
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 23:09:05

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第1181页(3496字)



abdomen qigong腹部功

changing tendons qigong易筋功

conducting qigong to lift and lower yin and yang升降阴阳导引功

conducting qigong to open up the Ren and Du Channel通任督导引功

ear qigong耳功

employ qigong to treat disease利用气功治病

eye qigong眼功

head and face qigong头面功

heavenly circuit qigong周天功

heavenly circuit self-rotation qigong周天自转功

inner-nourishing qigong内养功

iron crotch qigong铁裆功

lower limbs qigong下肢功

modern research on qigong现代气功研究

neck and nape qigong颈项功

pay great attention to qigong很重视气功

qigong and the viscera气功与脏腑

qigong for gathering sun essence and moon cream采日精月华功

qigong sanatorium气功疗养院

qigong specialists气功专业人员

qigong’s principles气功原理

qigong therapy气功疗法

qigong tranqilization气功入静

reach the qigong进入气功态

recuperation-life qigong回春功

regulating-heart qigong理心功

regulating-kidney qigong理肾功

regulating-liver qigong理肝功

regulating-lung qigong理肺功

regulating-spleen qigong理脾功

relaxation qigong放松功

reversing-yang qigong倒阳功

roborant qigong强壮功

shoulder and arm qigong肩臂功

six-character formula qigong六字诀功

soothing-liver and improving-eyesight qigong疏肝明目功

static qigong静功

sternocostal qigong胸肋功

teach qigong传授气功

the application and research of qigong气功的应用与研究。

the constant development of qigong气功的不断发展

the effects of qigong dirigation气功练功效应

the function of qigong气功的作用

the health-preserving principles of qigong气功养生的原理

the influence of qigong on the digestive system气功对消化系统的影响

the influence of qigong on the endocrine system气功对内分泌系统的影响

the influence of qigong on the neuromuscular system气功对神经肌肉系统的影响

the influence of qigong on the respiratory system气功对呼吸系统的影响

the influence of qigong on the sanguimotory system气功对血液循环系统的影响

the qigong maneuver of ascending,descneding,opening and closing气功的升降开阖法

the qigong maneuver of circulation of qi in heavenly circuit.气功的周天运转法

the theoretical basis of qigong气功的理论基础

traditional qigong传统气功

training courses in qigong气功训练班

training method of qigong气功的练法

under qigong state在气功态中

under qigong tranquilization在气功入静之中

waist qigong腰部功

Qigong has a substantial foundation.气功有其物质基础。

Qigong is scientific.气功是科学的。

上一篇:qi 下一篇:Qingzao Jiufei Tang