
出处:按学科分类—生物科学 农业出版社《植物细胞培养手册》第158页(1514字)



〔1〕Bhojwani,S.S.and M.K.Razdan 1983 Zygotic embryo culture.In: Plant Tissue Culture,Theory and Practice.pp.199-235,Elesevier,Amsterdam,Monnier,M.1978 Culture of zygotic embryos.In:Frontiers of plant Tissure Culture.(T.A.Thorpe ed.)pp.277-286,Univ.of Calgary Press,Calgary.

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〔3〕Raghavan,V.1976 Experimental Embryogenesis in Vascular Plants.Academic Press,New York.

〔4〕Raghavan V.,1977 Applied aspects of embryo culture.In:Applied and Fundamental Aspects of Plant Cell,Tissue and Organ Culture(J.Reincrt and Y.P.S.Bajaj eds.)pp.375-397,Springer Verlag,Berlin.

〔5〕Raghavan,V.1980 Embryo culture In: Perspectives in Plant Cell and Tissu e Culture.International Review of Cytology Suppl.11B(I.K.Vasil ed.)pp.209-240 Academic Press,New York.

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