出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第67页(11895字)
柔红霉素(柔毛霉素或盐酸柔红霉素)是一种蒽环类抗肿瘤抗生素,由Farmirtalia Cario Erba研究实验室从一种波赛链霉菌(Str.Peucetius)培养液中分离而出。柔红霉素含盐酸柔红霉素,是一种含甘露醇的冻干粉剂,溶于水和生理盐水。
1.急性粒细胞性白血病 无论是单一使用柔红霉素或者与其它抗肿瘤药物合用,柔红霉素均适用于治疗该病的各个分期。亦用于治疗早幼粒性白血病。
2.急性淋巴细胞性白血病 用柔红霉素治疗该病,缓解率很高,但由于其副作用大及尚有其它有效治疗方法,故柔红霉素只适用那些对其它药物已产生耐药的病例。在急性淋巴细胞性白血病急性期联合使用柔红霉素、强的松和长春新碱已证实十分成功。
3.其他肿瘤 已观察到柔红霉素对神经母细胞瘤及横纹肌肉瘤有肯定的疗效。
Daunoblastina(daunomycin or daunorubicin hydrochloride)is an antiblastic anthracycline antibiotic isolated from cultures of Streptomyces peucetius in the Research Laboratories of Farmitalia Carlo Erba.Daunoblastina contains daunorubicin hydrochloride as a freeze-dried powder with mannitol.It is soluble in water and saline.
Biological activity
Daunoblastina is a potent antileukemic agent.The mechanism of action is related to its ability to bind to DNA and inhibit nucleic acid synthesis.Daunoblastina also shows modest antibacterial activity and some immunosuppressive activity.Cell culture studies have demonstrated rapid cell penetration and predominant localisation of the antibiotic in the perinucleolar chromatin.Rapid inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis,mitotic activity and chromosomal aberrations have also been reported.In vivo,Daunoblastina inhibits the growth of both solid and ascitic experimental tumours in the mouse and rat,extensively prolonging the survival of the animals.
Clinical pharmacology
Pharmacokinetic studies using radiolabelled Daunoblastina show that intravenous administration is followed by rapid plasma clearance of the antibiotic.Plasma concentrations remain steady for a long time after this rapid decline.Daunoblastina is rapidly bound to tissues,especially those rich in nucleic acids(spleen,lymph nodes and bone marrow)and is released from here into the circulating blood.Urinary excretion,as determined by fluorimetric methods,accounts for approximately 15% of the administered dose over seven days.Biliary excretion is the major route of elimination.Impaired liver function results in slower excretion,and consequently,accumulation in plasma and tissues.Daunoblastina does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
Indications-acute myeloblastic leukemia
Daunoblastina is indicated for the treatment of all stages of this disease,either as a single agent or in combination with other antiblastic drugs.It is also the treatment of choice for promyelocytic leukemia.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Daunoblastina is very active in inducing remission in this disease.However,due to its side effects and the availability of other forms of therapy,Daunoblastina is only indicated in those cases that are resistant to other drugs.The combination chemotherapy regimen of Daunoblastina,Prednisolone and Vincristine in the acute phase of the disease has proved successful
Other tumours
Positive responses have been observed with Daunoblastina in neuroblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma.
Conclusive data are not available on pre-existing heart disease as a factor of increased risk of Daunoblastina-induced cardiotoxicity,it is therefore not recommended in patients with severe or pre-existing heart disease.
It is also inadvisable to administer the drug to patients with severe infections.
The single dose may vary from 0.5-3 mg/kg.
Doses of(0.5-1 mg/kg)may be repeated at intervals of one or more days;doses of 2 mg/kg should be given at intervals of 4 or more days.Doses of 2.5-3mg/kg,although rarely used,should be given at intervals of 7-14 days.
The number of injections required may vary from patient to patient and the dose should be adjusted for each patient according to response and tolerance and according to the haematological and bone marrow status.Combination chemotherapy with other anti-blastic compounds should also be taken into account.In both adults and children a total dose of 20 mg/kg should not be exceeded(see Warnings).Dosage should be reduced in patients with impaired hepatic function to avoid an increase in toxicity.
The patient should be kept under constant supervision and hospitalised during induction or remission of acute leukemia with Daunoblastina.Since an increase in biood urea and uric acid,scondary to rapid lysis of leukemic cells,may be induced by Daunoblastina,these levels should be monitored at least 3 or 4 times a week during the first week of treatment.In severe cases it is advisable to give abundant fluids and allopurinol to avoid the onset of uric acid nephropathy.Daunoblastina causes myelosuppression in all patients and severe aplasia in some cases.This must be borne in mind before starting therapy so that adequate supportive measures(antibiotics,transfusions,packed platelets and eventually also leukocytes)are available.WBC,RBC and platelet counts are necessary daily during the first week of treatment.
Before and during treatment,evaluation of hepatic function is recommended using conventional laboratory tests such as SGOT,SGPT,alkaline phosphatase,bilirubin and BSP.Special attention must be given to cardiac toxicity induced by Daunoblastina.The risk of cardiac failure is extremely low(about 2%)below the cumulative dose limit of 20 mg/kg,but increases considerably if this dose in exceeded.Concomitant treatment(radiotherapy and other potentially cardiotoxic agents)or disease-related clinical conditions(anemia,infections,peri-and/or myocardial infiltrates)may enhance Daunoblastina-induced cardiotoxicity.Cardiac failure may,however,be encountered during complete remission and several weeks after discontinuation of Daunoblastina therapy and is often not improved by known medical or physical therapy.Baseline ECG before and after each treatment cycle is recommended.ECG changs such as T-wave flattening or inversion,or ST segment depression,or the onset of arrhythmias,are not considered indications for suspension of treatment.A reduction in the voltage of the QRS wave is currently considered more specifically predictive for cardiotoxicity.If this occurs,the benefit of continued therapy must be carefully evaluated against the risk of producing irreversible cardiac damage.Cardiac failure may occur after a high cumulative dose even without preceeding ECG changes.The possible adverse effects on fertility in males and females and teratogenic or harmful effects on the foetus have still not been adequately evaluated.Experimental data show,however,that foetal viability may be reduced by Daunoblastina,Therefore,the benefits to the pregnant patient should be carefully weighed against the potential toxicity to the foetus or embryo.Daunoblastina like other antitumour and immunosuppressive drugs has also been shown to have carcinogenic potential in animals under particular experimental conditions.Daunoblastina imparts a red colour to the urine for 1-2 days after administration.If the solution of the drug comes into contact with the skin or mucosa,wash immediately and thoroughly.Daunoblastina should not be used as an antimicrobial agent although it does show some antibiotic activity.
Side effects
Myelosuppression and cardiotoxicity are the major side effects(see Warnings).Alopecia is a frequent side effect but is often reversible at the end of treatment.Stomatitis,if not already present due to the underlying disease,may occur 5-10 days after administration.It is characterized by painful areas of erosion particularly along the lateral borders of the tongue and sublingual mucosa.Gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea,vomiting and diarrhea may occur.Severe necrosis will occur if Daunoblastina is extravasated during administration.Phlebosclerosis has been reported especially when small veins are used or if a single vein is used for repeated administration.(see Administration).
Daunoblastina is not active orally and intramuscular or intrathecal administration should be avoided.It should be administered only intravenously and it is recommended that Daunoblastina be administered into the tubing of a freely running intravenous infusion of physiological saline making sure that the needle is inserted properly into the vein.This technique reduces the risk of drug extravasation and ensures that the vein is washed after administration.Daunoblastina should not be mixed with heparin as these drugs are chemically incompatible and a precipitate may form.Daunoblastina has been used in combination with other antiteukemic drugs,but it should not be mixed with other drugs in the same syringe.
A vial containing 20 mg daunorubicin hydrochloride as a freeze-dried powder.Solutions of the drug should be protected from exposure to sunlight and are stable for 24 hours at room temperature or for 48 hours between 4-10℃。
Keep out of the reach of children.
Erba Ltd.,Italy