
出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第113页(91007字)







1.慢性肾衰竭病人 红细胞生成素是一种刺激红细胞生成的糖蛋白。在正常情况下,红细胞生成素在体内的生产是由组织氧合程度来调节的。一般说来,缺氧和贫血会提高红细胞生成素的产生,从而刺激红系造血。在正常人中,红细胞生成素血浆含量为0.01~0.03U/ml,而在缺氧或贫血时增至100~1000倍。相反,患有慢性肾衰竭的病人,红细胞生成素的产生受损,而这种红细胞生成素的不足就是导致贫血的主要原因。




2.接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染的病人 艾滋病毒感染的病人对怡泼津的反应,取决于治疗前病人体内血清红细胞生成素的量。如果病人体内血清红细胞生成素量低于或等于500mU/ml,同时每周接受叠氮胸苷的剂量小于或等于4200mg,就可能对怡泼津治疗有反应。当病人体内血清红细胞生成素量高于500mU/ml时,对怡泼津治疗不会有反应。在连续4次共有255个病人的临床试验中,有60%~80%接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染的病人,其体内血清红细胞生成素量低于或等于500mU/ml。


3.接受化学治疗的癌症病人 癌症病人的贫血可能与疾病本身有关,也可能由同时使用的化疗药物的影响所致。在接受化疗的贫血癌症病人身上已经表明,使用怡泼津治疗1个月后(即疗程的第2个月和第3个月),血细胞比容会有增加,输血的需求会减少。


4.药代动力学 静脉注射的怡泼津是以一级动力学的速率被排除,在慢性肾衰竭病人身上,循环半衰期大约是4~13h之间。在治疗剂量的范围内,血浆红细胞生成素的可测水平至少可以维持24h。给慢性肾衰竭病人皮下注射怡泼津之后,血清红细胞生成素水平是在注射后5~24h内达到高峰,然后慢慢降低。在不做透析而其血清肌酐量高于3的病人与维持做透析的病人间,半衰期并无明显差别。



1.慢性肾衰竭病人的贫血治疗 怡泼津适用于治疗由慢性肾衰竭引起的贫血症,包括进行透析的病人(末期肾病)和不进行透析的病人。怡泼津也适用于提高或维持红细胞水平(由血细胞比容或血红蛋白测量显示),并降低这些病人的输血需求。




2.接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染病人的贫血治疗 怡泼津适用于接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染病人的贫血治疗。怡泼津也适用于提高或维持红细胞水平(由血细胞比容或血红蛋白测量显示),并降低这些病人的输血需求。怡泼津不适用于治疗由其他因素,如缺铁,缺叶酸,溶血或胃肠出血等导致贫血的艾滋病毒感染病人,这些病症应予另行适当处理。


3.对接受化疗的癌症病人的贫血治疗 怡泼津适用于治疗非骨髓性恶性肿瘤病人因接受化疗而引起的贫血。对于将要接受化疗至少2个月的病人,恬泼津具有减少病人输血需要的作用。怡泼津不适用于治疗由其他因素,如缺铁,叶酸缺乏,溶血或胃肠出血导致贫血的癌症病人,这些病症应予另行适当的处理。


1.慢性肾衰竭病人 所有的研究表明此类病人对怡泼津的反应是一致的。在铁贮量充足的情况下(参见“治疗前铁质评估”),达到指标的血细胞比容所需的时间取决于血细胞比容基线值和血细胞比容升高。


表7 血细胞比容增加




2.接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染病人 我们对怡泼津进行过4次有安慰剂对照的临床研究,研究对象是297个同时接受叠氮胸苷治疗的贫血(血细胞比容小于30%)艾滋病毒感染病人(所有病人都接受了安进公司生产的怡泼定一号治疗)。与安慰剂对照组相比,在分组病人中(89/125用怡泼津,88/130用安慰剂),其试验前的内源性血清红细胞生成素量低于或等于50U/ml(正常的内源性血清红细胞生成素量是4~26mU/ml),怡泼津使每个病人输血的单位平均累积量减少了大约40%,对于那些需要在基线水平输血的病人,在治疗的第2个月和第3个月中,用怡泼津治疗的病人有43%变为不需要输血,而用安慰剂治疗的病人却只有18%变为不需要输血。与安慰剂对照相比,怡泼津治疗使血细胞比容显着增加。当依据第3个月中每周接受的叠氮胸苷剂量来检验治疗结果时,接受怡泼津的病人(N=51)与接受安慰剂的病人(N=54)相比,输血需要减少有统计学显着性(P<0.003)——这些病人的平均每周叠氮胸苷剂量小于或等于4200mg。在体内血清红细胞生成素量低于或等于50uU/ml,并接受i00~200U/kg怡泼津剂量(每周3次)的病人中,大约17%的人血细胞比容达到38%,他们既不需要输血,也不需要显着减少叠氮胸苷剂量。与接受安慰剂的病人的对应反应相比,在试验前体内血清红细胞生成素量高于500mU/ml的一组病人中,怡泼津治疗并不减少病人的输血需要,也不增高病人的血细胞比容。


3.接受化疗的癌症病人 我们曾在131名贫血的癌症病人中对怡泼津进行过一系列有安慰剂对照的双盲法试验。其中72名病人同时接受不含顺铂的化疗方案,59名病人同时接受含顺铂的化疗方案。病人随机分配应用怡泼津150U/kg或安慰剂,皮下注射每周3次共12周。


表8 血细胞比容(%):从基线值至终值之间的平均变化*
















2.接受叠氮胸苷治疗的艾滋病毒感染病人 与慢性肾衰竭病人明显不同的是,怡泼津治疗不会引起艾滋病毒感染病人的高血压、癫痫发作和血栓性病变的加剧。






















































表9 出现反应的病人百分率


癫痫发作 1.1% 1.1%

脑血管意外(CVA)/短暂性缺血性发作(TIA) 0.4% 0.6%

心肌梗塞(MI) 0.4% 1.1%

死亡 0.0% 1.7%












表10 出现反应的病人百分率







表11 出现反应的病人百分率

a:P=0.041 b:P=0.069 c:P=0.0016 d:P=0.017










初始剂量: 50~100U/kg,每周3次;静脉注射:透析病人;静脉或皮下注射:非透析慢性肾衰竭病人。

出现以下情况应减少剂量: 血细胞比容达到了指标范围;在任何2周内血细胞比容增高4点以上。

出现以下情况应增加剂量: 治疗8周后血细胞比容增加少于5~6点;而且血细胞比容低于指标范围。

维持剂量: 视各人情况具体确定。

血细胞比容指标范围: 30%~33%(最高36%)。




1.剂量调整 当血细胞比容达到30%~33%时,怡泼津的剂量应减少约25U/kg,每周3次,以防止超过指标范围。一旦血细胞比容达到指标范围,必须按病人各自的情况来确定维持剂量(参见“维持剂量”)。




2.维持剂量 维持剂量必须视病人各自的情况而定。当血细胞比容接近或者超过36%时,应暂时停用怡泼津,直到血细胞比容降低到33%或以下。在重新开始治疗时,怡泼津的剂量应减少约25U/kg,每周3次,或略去给药次数,并应给予适当的时间间隔(即2~6周)使反应稳定下来。




3.迟发或减弱的反应 在开始怡泼津治疗约2个月内,95%以上的慢性肾衰竭病人出现了具有临床意义的血细胞比容增高的反应,而且几乎所有病人都不再需要依赖输血。




1.初始剂量 对于血清红细胞生成素量等于或低于500mU/ml,所接受的叠氮胸苷剂量等于或少于每周4200mg的病人,推荐的怡泼津初始剂量为100U/kg,每周3次,静脉或皮下注射,持续8周。

2.增加剂量 在治疗的剂量调整阶段,应每周监测血细胞比容。如果在治疗8周后,从减少输血需求或增加血细胞比容方面考虑,病人的反应并不令人满意,可将怡泼津的剂量增加50~100U/kg,每周3次。此后应每隔4~8周评价病人的反应,并按照50~100U/kg每周3次的递增量调整剂量。如果病人对300U/kg每周3次的怡泼津剂量仍无令人满意的反应,那么很可能他们对更高剂量的怡泼津也不会有反应了。

3.维持剂量 在达到理想的反应(即减少输血需求或增加血细胞比容)之后,应该根据叠氮胸苷剂量的变化及出现间发性感染或炎症等因素来校正制定怡泼津的剂量,以维持这种反应。如果血细胞比容超过40%,应当中断该剂量,直至血细胞比容下降到36%。当治疗恢复时,剂量应减少25%,然后精确调整到可以维持理想的血细胞比容值。



1.初始剂量 推荐的怡泼津初始剂量为150U/kg,每周3次,皮下注射。

2.剂量调整 如果在治疗8周后,从减少输血需求或增加血细胞比容方面考虑,病人的反应并不令人满意时可将怡泼津的剂量增加到300U/kg,每周3次。如果病人对300U/kg每周3次的怡泼津剂量仍无令人满意的反应,那么很可能他们对更高剂量的怡泼津也不会有反应了。如果血细胞比容超过40%,怡泼津剂量应当停止,直至血细胞比容下降到36%。当治疗重新恢复时,怡泼津的剂量应减少25%,并精确调整到可以维持理想的血细胞比容值。如果怡泼津的初始剂量即能引起非常迅速的血细胞比容反应(如在任何2周内增高了4个百分点以上)就应该减少怡泼津的剂量。














For Injection


Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein which stimulates red blood cell production.It is produced in the kidney and stimulates the division and differentiation of committed erythroid progenitors in the bone marrow.Epogen is the Amgen Inc.trademark for Epoetin alfa which has been selected as the proper name for recombinant human erythropoietin.

Epogen,a 165 amino acid glycoprotein manufactured by recombinant DNA technology,has the same biological effects as endogenous erythropoietin.It has a molecular weight of 30,400 daltons and is produced by mammalian cells into which the human erythropoietin gene has been introduced.The product contains the identical amino acid sequence of isolated natural erythropoietin.

Epogen is formulated as a sterile,colorless,preservative-free liquid for intravenous or subcutaneous administration.Each single-use vial contains 2 000,3 000,4 000,or 10,000 units of Epoetin alfa formulated in an isotonic sodium chloride/sodium citrate buffered solution (pH 6.9±0.3)containing Albumin(Human)(2.5mg),sodium citrate(5.8mg),sodium chloride(5.8mg),and citric acid(0.06mg)in Water for Injection,USP.

Clinical pharmacology

Chronic renal failure patients:Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein which stimulates red blood cell production.Endogenous production of erythropoietin is normally regulated by the level of tissue oxygenation.Hypoxia and anemia generally increase the production of erythropoietin,which in turn stimulates erythropoiesis.In normal subjects,plasma erythropoietin levels range from 0.01 to 0.03 U/ml,and increase up to 100-to 1 000-fold during hypoxia or anemia.In contrast,in patients with chronic renal failure(CRF),production of erythropoietin is impaired,and this erythropoietin deficiency is the primary cause of their anemia.

Chronic renal failurs is the clinical situation in which there is a progressive and usually irreversible decline in kidney function.Such patients may manifest the sequelae of renal dysfunction,including anemia,but do not necessarily require regular dialysis.Patients with end-stage renal disease(ESRD)are those patients with CRF who require regular dialysis or kidney transplantation for survival.

Epogen has been shown to stimulate erythropoiesis in anemic patents with CRF,including both patients on dialysis and those who do not require regular dialysis.The first evidence of a response to the three times weekly(T.I.W.)administration of epogen is an increase in the reticulocyte count within 10 days,followed by increases in the red cell count,hemoglobin,and hematocrit,usually within 2-6 weeks.(Because of the length of time required for erythropoiesis-several days for erythroid progenitors to mature and be released into the circulation-a clinically significant increase in hematocrit is usually not observed in less than 2 weeks and may require up to 6 weeks in some patients).Once the hematocrit reaches the target range(30%-33%),that level can be sustained by epogen therapy in the absence of iron deficiency and concurrent illnesses.

The rate of hematocrit increase varies between patients and is dependent upon the dose of epogen,within a therapeutic range of approximately 50~300 U/kg T.I.W.a greater biologic response is not observed at doses exceeding 300 U/kg T.I.W.Other factors affecting the rate and extent of response include availability of iron stores,the baseline hematocrit,and the presence of concurrent medical problems.

Zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients:

Responsiveness to epogen in HIV-infected patients is dependent upon the endogenous serum erythropoietin level prior to treatment.Patients with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels≤500 U/l,and who are receiving a dose of zidovudine≤4 200 mg/week,may respond to epogen therapy.

Patients with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels>500 U/l do not appear to respond to epogen therapy.In a series of four clinical trials involving 255 patients,60-80% of HIV-infected patients treated with zidovudine had endogenous serum erythropoietin levels ≤500 U/l.

Response to epogen in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients is manifested by reduced transfusion requirements and increase hematocrit.

Cancer patients on chemotherapy:

Anemia in cancer patients may be related to the disease itself or the effect of concomitantly administered chemotherapeutic agents.

Epogen has been shown to increase hematocrit and decrease transfusion requirements after the first month of therapy,(Months 2 and 3 of therapy),in anemic cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

A series of clinical trials enrolled 13 1 anemic cancer patients who were receiving cyclic cisplatin or non cisplatin-containing chemotherapy.Endogenous baseline serum erythropoietin levels varied among patients in these trials with approximately 75%(N=83/1 10)having endogenous serum erythropoietin levels≤132 U/l,and approximatel 4%(N=4/110)of patients having endogenous serum erythropoietin levels>500 U/l.In general,patients with lower baseline serum erythropoietin levels responded more vigorously to epogen than patients with higher baseline serum erythropoietin levels.Although no specific serum erythropoietin level can be stipulated above which patients would be unlikely to respond to Epogen therapy,treatment of patients with grossly elevated serum erythropoietin levels(e.g.,>200 U/l)is not recommended.


Intravenously administered epogen is eliminated at a rate consistent with first order kinetics with a circulating half-life ranging from approximately 4-13 hours in patients with CRF.Within the therapeutic dose range,detectable levels of plasma erythropoietin are maintained for at least 24 hours.After subcutaneous administration of epogen to patients with CRF,peak serum levels are achieved within 5-24 hours after administration and decline slowly thereafter.There is no apparent difference in half-life between patients not on dialysis whose serum creatinine levels were greater than 3,and patients maintained on dialysis.

In normal volunteers,the half-life of intravenously administered epogen is approximately 20%shorter than the half-life in CRF patients.The pharmacokinetics of epogen have not been studied in HIV-infected patients.

Indications and Usage

Treatment of anemia of chronic renal failure patients:

Epogen is indicated in the treatment of anemia associated with chronic renal failure,including patients on dialysis(end-stage renal disease)and patients not on dialysis.Epogen is indicated to elevate or maintain the red blood celllevel(as manifested by the hematocrit or hemoglobin determinations)and to decrease the need for transfusions in these patients.

Epogen is not intended for patients who require immediate correction of severe anemia.Epogen may obviate the need for maintenance transfusions but is not a substitute for emergency transfusion.

Prior to initiation of therapy,the patient’s iron stores,including transferrin saturation and serum ferritin,should be evaluated.Transferrin saturation should be at least 20%and ferritin at least 100 ng/ml.Blood pressure should be adequately controlled prior to initiation of epogen therapy,and must be closely monitored and controlled during therapy.Non-dialysis patients with symptomatic anemia considered for therapy should have a hematocrit less than 30%.All patients on epogen therapy should be regularly monitored(see“Laboratory Monitoring”and“Precautions”).

Epogen should be administered under the guidance of a qualified physician(see“Dosage and Administration”).

Treatment of anemia in zidovudime-treated HIV..infectec patients:

Cated for the treatment of anemia related to therapy with zidovuine in HIV-Infected pa

tients.Epogen is indicated to elevate or maintain the red blood cell level as manifested by the hematocrit or hemoglobin determinations)and to decrease the need for transfusions in these patients.Epogen is not indicated for the treatment of anemia in HIV-infected patients due to other factors such as iron or folate deficeies,hemolysis or gastrointestinal bleeding which should be managed appriately.

Epogen at a dose of 100 U/kg three times per week,is effective in decreasing the transfusion reguirement and increasing the red blood cell level of anemic,HIV-infected Patients treated with zidovudine,when the endogenous serum erythropoietin levelis≤500 U/ml and when patients are receiving a dose of zidovudine≤4 200mg/week.

Treatment of anemia in cancer patients on chemotherapy:

Epogen is indicated for the treatment of anemia in patients with non-myeloid malignancies where anemia is due to the effect of concomitantly administered chemotherapy.Epogen is indicated to decrease the need for transfusions in patients who will be receiving concomitantchemo-therapy for a minimum of 2 months.Epogen is not indicated for the treatment of anemia in cancer patients due to other factors such as iron or folate deficiencies,hemolysis or gastrointestinal bleeding which should be managed appropriately.

Clinical Experience:Response to Epogen:

Chronic renal failure patients:

Response to epogen was consistent across all studies.In the presence of adequate iron stores(see“Pretherapy iron evaluation”),the time to reach the target hematocrit is a function of the baseline hematocrit and the rate of hematocrit rise.

The rate of increase in hematocrit is dependent upon the dose of epogen administered and individual patient variation.In clinical trials at starting doses of 50-150 U/kg T.I.W.,patients responded with an average rate of hematocrit rise of:

Table 7 hematocrit increase

Over this dose range,approximately 95%of all patients responded with a clinically significant increase in hematocrit,and by the end of approximately 2 months of therapy virtually all patients were transfusion-independent.Once the target hematocrit was achieved,the maintenance dose was individualized for each patient.

Patients on Dialysis:Thirteen clinical studies were conducted,involving intravenous administration to a total of 1 010 anemic patients on dialysis for 986 patient-years of epogen therapy.In the three largest of these clinical trials,the median maintenance dose necessary to maintain the hematocrit between 30%-36% was approximately 75 U/kg(T.I.W.).In the U.S.multicenter Phase Ⅲ study,approximately 65% of the patients required doses of 100 U/kg T.I.W.,or less,to maintain their hematocrit at approximately 35%.Almost 10% of patients required a dose of 25 U/kg,or less,and approximately 10% required a dose of more than 200 U/kg T.I.W.to maintain their hematocrit at this level.

Patients with CRF Not Requiring Dialysis:Four clinical trials were conducted in patients with CRF not on dialysis involving 181 epogen-treated patients for approximately 67 patientyears of experience.These patients responded to epogen therapy in a manner similar to that observed in patients on dialysis.Patients with CRF not on dialysis demonstrated a dose-dependent and sustained increase in hematocrit when epogen was administered by either an intravenous(IV)or subcutaneous(SC)route,with similar rates of rise of hematocrit when epogen was administered by either route.Moreover,epogen doses of 75-150 U/kg per week have been shown to maintain hematocrits of 36%-38% for up to 6 months.

Zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients:Epogen has been studied in four placebo-controlled trials enrolling 297 anemic(hematocrit<30%)HIV-infected(AIDS)patients receiving concomitant therapy with zidovudine(all patients were treated with Epoetin alfa manufactured by Amgen Inc.).In the subgroup of patients(89/125 epogen,and 88/130 placebo)with prestudy endogenous serum erythropoietin levels≤500 U/l(normal endogenous serum erythropoietin levels are 4-26 U/I),epogen reduced the mean cumulative number of units of blood transfused per patient by approximately 40%,as compared to the placebogroup.Among those patients who required transfusions at baseline,43% of epogen-treated patients versus 18% of placebo-treated patients were transfusion-independent during the seeond and third months of therapy.Epogen therapy also resulted in significant increases in hematocrit in comparison to placebo.When examining the results according to the weeklydose of zidovudine received during Month 3 of therapy,there was a statistically significant(P<0.003)reduction in transfusion requirements in epogen-treated patients(N=5 1)compared to placebo treatd patients(N=54)whose mean weekly zidovudine dose was≤4 200mg/week.Approximately 17% of the patients with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels ≤500 U/L receiving epogen in doses from 100-200 U/kg three times weekly(T.I.W.)achieved a hematocrit of 38% without administration of transfusions or significant reduction in zidovudine dose.In the subgroup of patients whose prestudy endogenous serum erythropoietin levels were>500 U/l,epogen therapy did not reduce transfusion requirements or increase hematocrit,compared to the corresponding responses in placebo-treated patients.

Responsiveness to epogen therapy may be blunted by intercurrent infectious/inflam-matory episodes and by an increase in zidovudine dosage.Consequently,the dose of epogen must be titrated based on these factors to maintain the desired erythropoietic response.

Cancer patients on chemotherapy:Epogen has been stuided in a series of placebo··controlled,double-blind trials in a total of 131 anemic cancer patients.Within this group,72 patients were treated with concomitant non-cisplatin-containing chemotherapy regimens.and 59 patients were treated with concomitant cisplatin-containing chemotherapy regimens.Patients were randomized to epogen 150 U/kg or placebo subcutaneously T.I.W.for 12 weeks.

Epogen therapy was associated with a significantly(P<0.008)greater hematocrit response than in the corresponding placebo-treated patients(see Table).

Talbe 8 Hematocrit(%):mean change from baseline to final value*

*Significantly higher in epogen patients than in placebo patients(P<0.008)

In the two types of chemotherapy studies,(utilizing an epogen dose of 150 U/kg T.I.W.),the mean number of units of blood transfused per patient after the first month of therapy was significantly(P<0.02)lower in epogen-treated patients(0.71 U in Months 2,3)than in corresponding placebo-treated patients(1.84 U in Months 2,3).Moreover,the proportion of patients transfused during Months 2 and 3 of therapy combined was significantly(P<0.03)lower in the epogen-treated patients than in the corresponding placebo-treated patients(22% versus 43%).

Comparable intensity of chemotherapy in the epogen and placebo groups in the chemotherapy trials was suggested by a similar area under the neutrophil time curve in epogen-and placebo-treated patients as well as by a similar proportion of patients in epogen··and placebo-treated groups whose absolute neutrophil counts fell below 1 × 109cells/I.Availableevidence suggests that patients with lymphoid and solid cancers respond to epogen therapy,and that patients with or without tumor infiltration of the bone marrow respond to epogen therapy.


Epogen is contraindicated in patients with:

1.Uncontrolled hypertension.

2.Known hypersensitivity to mammalian cell-derived products.

3.Known hypersensitivity to Albumin(Human).


Chronic renal failure patients

Hypertension:Patients with uncontrolled hypertension should not be treated with epogen;blood pressure should be controlled adequately before initiation of therapy.Blood pressure may rise during epogen therapy,often during the early phase of treatment when the hematocrit is increasing.

For patients who respond to epogen with a rapid increase in hematocrit(e.g.,more than 4 points in any 2-week period),the dose of epogen should be reduced because of the possible association of excessive rate of rise of hematocrit with an exacerbation of hypertension.

Seizures:Seizures have occurred in patients with CRF participating in epogen clinical trials.

In patients on dialysis,there was a higher incidence of seizures during the first 90 days of therapy(occurring in approximately 2.5% of patients),as compared with later timepoints.

Given the potential for an increased risk of seizures during the first 90 days of therapy,blood pressure and the presence of premonitory neurologic symptoms should be monitored closely.Patients should be cautioned to avoid potentially hazardous activities such as driving or operating heavy machinery during this period.

Thrombotic Events:During hemodialysis,patients treated with epogen may require increased anticoagulation with heparin to prevent clotting of the artificial kidney.Clotting of the vascular access(A-V shunt)has occurred at an annualized rate of about 0.25 events per patient-year on epogen therapy.

Overall,for patients with CRF(whether on dialysis or not),other thrombotic events(e.g.,myocardial infarction,cerebrovascular accident,transient ischemic attack)have occurred at an annualized rate of less than 0.04 events per patient-year of epogen therapy.

Patients with pre-existing vascular disease should be monitored closely.

Zidovudine-Treated HIV-Infected Patients:In contrast to CRF patients,epogen therapy has not been linked to acceleration of hypertension,seizures,and thrombotic events in HIV-infected patients.


Chronic renal failure patients,Zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients,and cancer patients on chemotherapy

General:The parenteral administration of any biologic product should be attended by appropriate precautions in case allergic or other untoward reactions occur(see“Contraindications”).While transient rashes have occasionally been observed concurrently with epogen therapy,no serious allergic or anaphylactic reactions have been reported.

The safety and efficacy of epogen therapy have not been established in patients with a known history of a seizure disorder or underlying hematologic disease(e.g.,sickle cell anemia,myelodysplastic syndromes,or hypercoagulable disorders).

In some female paients,menses have resumed following epogen therapy;the possibility of potential pregnancy should be discussed and the need for contraception evaluated.

Hematology:Exacerbation of porphyria has been observed rarely in epogen-treated patients with CRF.However,epogen has not caused increased urinary excretion of porphyrinmetabolites in normal volunteers,even in the presence of a rapid erythropoietic response.Nevertheless,epogen should be used with caution in patients with known porphyria.

In pre-clinical studies in dogs and rats,but not in monkeys,epogen therapy was associated with subclinical bone marrow fibrosis.Bone marrow fibrosis is a known complication of CRF in humans and may be related to secondary hyperparathyroidism or unknown factors.The incidence of bone marrow fibrosis was not increased in a study of patients on dialysis who were treated with epogen for 12-19 months,compared to the incidence of bone marrow fibrosis in a matched group of patients who had not been treated with epogen.

Hematocrit in CRF patients should be measured twice a week;zidovudine-treated HIVinfected,and cancer patients should have hematocrit measured once a week until hematocrit has been stabilized,and measured periodically thereafter.

Delayed or diminished response:If the patient fails to respond or to maintain a response,the following etiologies should be considered and evaluated:

1.Iron deficiency:functional iron deficiency may develop with normal ferritin levels,but low transferrin saturation(less than 20%),presumably due to the inability to mobilize iron stores rapidly enough to support increased erythropoiesis.Virtually all patients will eventually require supplemental iron therapy.

2.Underlying infectious,inflammatory,or malignant processes.

3.Occult blood loss.

4.Underlying hematologic diseases(i.e.,thalassemia,refractory anemia,or other myelodysplastic disorders).

5.Vitamin deficiencies:folic acid or vitamin B12


7.Aluminum intoxication.

8.Osteitis fibrosa cystica.

Iron evaluation:Prior to and during epogen therapy,the patient’s iron stores,including transferrin saturation(serum iron divided by iron binding capacity)and serum ferritin,should be evaluated.Transferrin saturation should be at least 20%,and ferritin should be at least 100 ng/ml.Supplemental iron may be required to increase and maintain transferrin saturation to levels that will adequatly support epogen-stimulated erythropoiesis.

Drug Interaction:No evidence of interaction of epogen with other drugs was observed in the course of clinical trials.

Carcinogenesis,Mutagenesis,and Impairment of Fertility:Carcinogenic potential of epogen has not been evaluated.Epogen does not induce bacterial gene mutation(Ames Test),chromosomal aberrations in mammalian cells,micronuclei in mice,or gene mutation at the HGPRT locus.In female rats treated intravenously with epogen,there was a trend for slightly increased fetal wastage at doses of 100 U/kg and 500 U/kg.

Pregnancy category C:epogen has been shown to have adverse effects in rats when given in doses five times the human dose.There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women.Epogen should be used during pregnancy only if potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

In studies in female rats,there were decreases in body weight gain,delays in appearance of abdominal hair,delayed eyelid opening,delayed ossification,and decreases in the number of caudal vertebrae in the F1 fetuses of the 500 U/kg group.In female rats treated intravenously,there was a trend for slightly increased fetal wastage at doses of 100 and 500 U/kg.Epogen has not shown any adverse effect at doses as high as 500 U/kg in pregnant rabbits(from day 6-18 of gestation).

Nursing Mothers:Postnatal observations of the live offspring(F1 generation)of female rats treated with epogen during gestation and lactation revealed no effect of epogen at doses of up to 500 U/kg.There were,however,decreases in body weight gain,delays in appearance of abdominal hair,eyelid opening,and decreases in the number of caudal vertebrae in the F1 fetuses of the 500 U/kg group.There were no epogen-related effects on the F2 generation fetuses.

It is not known whether epogen is excreted in human milk.Because many drugs are excreted in human milk,caution should be exercised when epogen is administered to a nursing Woman.

Pediatric use:The safety and effectiveness of epogen in children have not been established.

Chronic Renal Failure Patients

Patients with CRF not requiring dialysis:Blood pressure and hematocrit should be monitored no less frequently than for patients maintained on dialysis.Renal funcuion and fluid and electrolyte balance should be closely monitored,as an improved sense of well-being may obscure the need to initiate dialysis in some patients.

Hematology:In order to avoid reaching the target hematocrit too rapidly.or exceeding the target range(hematocrit of 30%-33%),the guidelines for dose and frequency of dose adjustments(see“Dosage and Administration”)should be followed.

For patients who respond to epogen with a rapid increase in hematocrit(e.g.,more than 4 points in any 2-week period),the dose of epogen should be reduced because of the possible association of excessive rate of rise of hematocrit with an exacerbation of hypertension.

The elevated bleeding time characteristic of CRF decreases toward normal after correction of anemia in epogen-treated patients.Reduction of bleeding time also occurs after correction of anemia by transfusion.

Sufficient time should be allowed to determine a patient’s responsiveness to a dosage of epogen before adjusting the dose.Because of the time required for erythropoiesis and the red cell half-life,and interval of 2-6 weeks may occur between the time of a dose adjustment(initiation,increase,decrease,or discontinuation)and a significant change in hematocrit.

Laboratory monitoring:The hematocrit should be determined twice a week until it has stabilized in the target range and the maintenance dose has been established.After any dose adjustment,the hematocrit should also be determined twice weekly for at least 2-6 weeks until it has been determined that the hematocrit has stabilized in response to the dose change.The hematocrit should then be monitored at regular intervals.

A complete blood count with differential and platelet count should be performed regularly.During clinical trials,modest increases were seen in platelets and white blood cell counts.While these changes were statistically significant,they were not clinically significant and the values remained within normal ranges.

In patients with CRF,serum chemistry values[including blood urea nitrogen(BUN),uric acid,creatinine,phosphorus,and potassium]should be monitored regularly.During clinical trials in patients on dialysis,modest increases were seen in BUN,creatinine,phosphorus,and potassium.In some patients with CRF not on dialysis,treated with epogen,modest increases in serum uric acid and phosphorus were observed.While changes were statistically significant,the values remained within the ranges normally seen in patients with CRF.

Hypertension:Patients with uncontrolled hypertension should not be treated with epogen;blood pressure should be controlled adequately before initiation of therapy.Blood pressure may rise and episodes of hypertension may increase during epogen therapy in all CRF patients,whether or not they require dialysis,often during the early phase of treatment when the hematocrit is increasing.To prevent hypertension and sequelae,particular care needs tobe taken in patients treated with epogen to monitor and aggressively control blood pressure.During the period when hematocrit is increasing,approximately 25% of patients on dialysis may requiire iiniitiiatiion of,or increases in,antihypertensive therapy.Patients should be advised as to the importance of compliance with antihypertensive therapy and dietary restrictions.For patients who respond to epogen with a rapid increase in hematocrit(e.g.,more than 4 points in any 2-week period),the dose of epogen should be reduced because of the possible association of excessive rate of rise of hematocrit with an exacerbation of hypertension.If blood pressure is difficult to control,the dose of epogen should be reduced;if clinically indicated,epogen may be withheld until blood pressure control is re-established.

Seizures:Seizures have occurred in patients with CRF participating in epogen clinical trials.In patients on dialysis,there was a higher incidence of seizures during the first 90 days of therapy(occurring in approximately 2.5% of patients),as compared with later timepoints.

Given the potential for an increased risk of seizures during the first 90 days of therapy,blood pressure and the presence of premonitory neurologic symptoms should be monitored closely.Patients should be cautioned to avoid potentially hazardous activites such as driving or operating heavy machinery during this period.

Thrombotic events:During hemodialysis,patients treated with epogen may require increased anticoagulation with heparin to prevent clotting of the artificial kindney.Clotting of the vascular access has occurred at an annualized rate of about 0.25 events per patient-year on epogen therapy.

A relationship has not been established with statistical certainty between a rise in hematocrit and the rate of thrombotic events[including thrombosis of vascular access(A-V shunt)]in epogen-treated patients.Overall,for patients with CRF(whether on dialysis or not),other thrombotic events(e.g.,myocardial infarction,cerebrovascular accident,transient ischemic attack)have occurred at an annualized rate of less than 0.04 events per patient-year of epogen therapy.Patients with pre-existing vascular disease should be monitored closely.

Diet:As the hematocrit increases and patients experience an improved sense of wellbeing and quality of life,the importance of compliance with dietary and dialysis prescrip tions should be reinforced.In particular,hyperkalemia is not uncommon in patients with CRF.In U.S.studies in patients on dialysis,hyperkalemia has occurred at an annualized rate of approximately 0.1 1 episodes per patient-year of epogen therapy,often in association with poor compliance to medication,dietary and/or dialysis prescriptions.

Dialysis management:Therapy with epogen results in an increase in hematocrit and adecrease in plasma volume which could affect dialysis efficiency.In studies to date,the resulting increase in hematocrit did not appear to adversely affect dialyzer function or the efficiency of high flux hemodialysis.During hemodialysis,patients treated with epogen may require increased anticoagulation with heparin to prevent clotting of the artificial kidney.

Patients who are marginally dialyzed may require adjustments in their dialysis prescription.As with all patients on dialysis,the serum chemistry values[including blood urea nitogen(BUN),creatinine,phosphorus,and potassium]in epogen-treated patients should be monitored regularly to assure the adequacy of the dialysis prescription.

Renal function:In patients with CRF not on dialysis,renal function and fluid and electrolyte balance should be closely monitored,as an improved sense of well-being may obscure the need to initiate dialysis in some patients.In patients with CRF not on dialysis,placebocontrolled studies of progression of renal dysfunction over periods of greater than one year have not been completed.In shorter-term trials in patients with CRF not on dialysis,changes in creatinine and creatinine clearance were not significantly different in epogen..treated patients,compared with placebo-treated patients.Analysis of the slope of 1/serum creatinine vs.time plots in these patients indicates no significant change in the slope after the initiation of epogen therapy.

Zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients

Hypertension:Exacerbation of hyertension has not been observed in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients treated with epogen.However,epogen should be withheld in these patients if pre-existing hypertension is uncontrolled,and should not be started until blood pressure is controlled.In double-blind studies,a single seizure has been experienced by an epogen-treated patient.

Cancer patients on chemotherapy

Hypertension:Hypertension,associated with a significant increase in hematocrit,has been noted rarely in epogen-trated cancer patients.Nevertheless,blood pressure in epogentreated patients should be monitored carefully,particularly in patients with an underlying history of hypertension or cardiovascular disease.

Seizures:In double-blind,placebo-controlled trials,3.2%(N=2/63)of epogen-treated patients and 2.9%(N=2/68)of placebo-treated patients had seizures.Seizures in 1.6%(N=1/63)of epogen-treated patients occurred in the context of a significant increase in blood pressure and hematocrit from baseline values.However,both epogen-treated patients also had underlying CNS pathology which may have been related to seizure activity.

Thrombotic events:In double-blind,placebo-controlled trials,3.2%(N=2/63)of e pogen-treated patients and 11.8%(N=8/68)of placebo-treated patients had thrombotic events(e.g.,pulmonary embolism,cerebrovascular accident).

Growth Factor Potential:epogen is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red cell production.However,the possibility that epogen can act as a growth factor for any tumor type,particularly myeloid malignancies,cannot be excluded.

Adverse reactions

Chronic renal failure patients

Studies analyzed to date indicate that epogen is generally well-tolerated.The adverse events reported are frequent sequelae of CRF and are not necessarily attributable to epogen therapy.In double-blind,placebo-controlled studies involving over 300 patients with CRF,the events reported in greater than 5% of epogen-treated patients during the blinded phase were:

Table 9 Percent of patients reporting event

Significant adverse events of concern in patients with CRF treated in double-blind,placebo-controlled trials occurred in the following percent of patients during the blinded phase of the studies:

Seizure 1.1% 1.1%

CVA/TIA 0.4% 0.6%

MI 0.4% 1.1%

Death 0.0% 1.7%

In the U.S.epogen studies in patients on dialysis(over 567 patients),the incidence(number of events per patient-year)of the most frequently reported adverse events were:hypertension(0.75),headache(0.40),tachycardia(0.31),nausea/vomiting(0.26),clotted vascular access(0.25),shortness of breath(0.14),hyperkalemia(0.11),and diarrhea(0.11).Other reported events occurred at a rate of less than 0.10 events per patient per year.

Events reported to have occurred within several hours of administration of epogen were rare,mild,and transient,and included flu-like symptoms such as arthralgias and myalgias.

In all studies analyzed to date,epogen administration was generally well-tolerated,irrespective of the route of administration.

Allergic reactions:There have been no reports of serious allergic reactions or anaphylaxis associated with epogen administration.Skin rashes and urticaria have been observed rarely and when reported have been mild and transient in nature.There has been no evidence for development of antibodies to erythropoietin in patients tested to date,including those receiving intravenous epogen for over two years.Nevertheless,if an anaphylactoid reaction occurs,epogen should be immediately discontinued and appropriate therapy initiated.

Seizures:The relationship,if any,of epogen therapy to seizures is uncertain.The baseline incidence of seizures in the untreated dialysis population is difficult to determine;it appears to be in the range of 5-10% per patient year.There have been 47 seizures in 1 010 patients on dialysis,treated with epogen with an exposure of 986 patient-years,for a rate of approximately 0.048 events per patient-year.However,there appeared to be a higher rate of seizures during the first 90 days of therapy(occurring in approximately 2.5% of patients),when compared to subsequent 90-day time periods.WhiIe the relationship between seizures and the rate of rise of hematocrit is uncertain,it is recommended that the dose of epogen be decreased if the hematocrit increase exceeds 4 points in any 2-week period.

Hypertension:Up to 80%of patients with CRF have a history of hypertension.Blood pressure may rise during epogen therapy in CRF patients whether or not maintained on dialysis;during the early phase of treatment when hematocrit is increasing,approximately 25% of patients on dialysis may require initiation or increases in antihypertensive therapy.Hypertensive encephalopathy and seizures have been observed in patients with CRF treated with epogen.Increases in blood pressure may be associated with the rate of increase in hematocrit.It is recommended that the dose of epogen be decreased if the hematocrit increase exceeds 4points in any 2-week period.

Increases in blood pressure have been reported in clinical trials,often during the first 90 days of therapy.When data from all patients in the U.S.PhaseⅢmulticenter trial were analyzed,there was an apparent trend of more reports of hypertensive adverse events in patients on dialysis with a faster rate of rise of hematocrit(greater than 4 hematocrit points in any two week period).However,in a double-blind,placebo-controlled trial,hypertensive adverse events were not reported at an increased rate in the epogen-treated group(150 U/kg T.I.W.)relative to the placebo group.There do not appear to be any direct pressor effects of epogen.Special care should be taken to closely monitor and control blood pressure in epogen-treated patients.

Thrombotic events:During hemodialysis,patients treated with epogen may require increased anticagulation with heparin to prevent clotting of the artificial kidney.Clotting of the vascular access has occurred at an anualized rate of about 0.25 events per patient-year on epogen therapy.

A relationship has not been established with statistical certainty between a rise in hematocrit and the rate of thrombotic events[including thrombosis of vascular access(A-V shunt)]in epogen-treated patients.Overall,for patients with CRF(whether on dialysis ornot),other thrombotic events(e.g.,myocardial infarction,cerebrovascular accident,transient ischemic attack)have occurred at an annualized rate of less than 0.04 events per patient-year of epogen therapy.Patients with pre-existing vascular disease should be monitored closely.

Zidovudine-Treated HIV-infected patients

Adverse events reported in clinical trials with epogen in zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients were consistent with the progression of HIV infection.In double-blind,placebocontrolled studies of 3-months duration involving approximately 300 zidovudine-treated HIVinfected patients,adverse events with an incidence of≥10%in either epogen-treated patients or placebo-treated patients were:

Table 10 Percent of patients reporting event

There were no statistically significant differences between treatment groups in the incidence of the above events.

In the 297 patients studied,epogen was not associated with significant increases in opportunistic infections or mortality.In 71 patients from this group treated with epogen at 150 U/kg T.I.W.,serum p24 antigen levels did not appear to increase.Preliminary data showed no enhancement of HIV replication in infected cell lines in vitro.

Peripheral white blood cell and platelet counts are unchanged following epogen therapy.

Allergic reactions:Two zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients had urticarial reactions within 48 hours of their first exposure to study medication.One patient was treated with epogen and one was treated with placebo(epogen vehicle alone).Both patients had positive immediate skin tests against their study medication with a negative saline control.The basis for this apparent pre-existing hypersensitivity to components of the epogen formulation is un..known,but may be related to HIV-induced immunosuppression or prior exposure to blood products.

Seizures:In double-blind and open label trials of epogen in zidovudine-treated HlV-infected patients,10 patients have experienced seizures.In general,these seizures appear to be related to underlying pathology such as meningitis or cerebral neoplasms,not epogen therapy.

Cancer patients on chemotherapy

Adverse experiences reported in clinical trials with epogen in cancer patients were consistent with the underlying disease state.In double-blind,placebo-controlled studies of up to 3 months duration involving 131 cancer patients on chemotherapy,adverse events with an incidence>10%in either epogen-treated or placebo-treated patients were as indicated below:

Table 11 Percent of patients reporting event


Although some statistically significant differences between epogen-and placedo-treated patients were noted,the overall safety profile of epogen appeared to be consistent with the disease process of advanced cancer.During double-blind and subsequent openlabel therapy in which patients(N=72 for total epogen exposure)were treated for up to 32 weeks with doses as high as 927 U/kg,the adverse experience profile of epogen was consistent with the progression of advanced cancer.

Based on comparable survival data,and on the percentage of epogen-and placebo-treated patients who discontinued therapy due to death,disease progression,or adverse experiences (22%and 13%,respectively;p=0.25),the clinical outcome in the epogen-and placebotreated patients appeared to be similar.Available data from animal tumor models and measurement of proliferation of solid tumor cells from clinical biopsy specimens in response to epogen suggest that epogen may potentiate tumor growth.Nevertheless,as a growth factor,the possibility that epogen may not potentiate growth of some tumors,particularly myeloid tumors,cannot be excluded.A randomized controlled Phase IV study is currently ongoing to further evaluate this issue.The mean peripheral white blood cell count was unchanged following epogen therapy compared to the corresponding value in the placebo-treated group.


The maximum amount of epogen that can be safely administered in single or multiple doses has not been determined.Doses of up to 1 500 U/kg T.I.W.for 3-4 weeks have been administered without any direct toxic effects of epogen itself..

Therapy with epogen can result in polycythemia if the hematocrit is not carefully monitored and the dose appropriately adjusted.If the target range is exceeded,epogen may be temporarily withheld until the hematocrit returns to the target range;epogen therapy may then be resumed using a lower dose(see”Dosage and Administration”).If polycythemia is of concern,phlebotomy may be indicated to decrease the hematocrit.

Dosage and administration

Chronic renal failure patients

Starting doses of epogen over the range of 50-100 U/kg three times weekly(T.I.W.)have been shown to be safe and effective in increasing hematocrit and eliminating transfusion dependency in patients with CRF(see“Clinical Experience”).The dose of epogen should be reduced when the hematocrit reaches the target range of 30%-33%or increases by more than 4 points in any 2-week peiod.The dosage of epogen must be individualized to maintain the hematocrit within the target range.Dose changes should generally be in the range of 25 U/kg,T.I.W.The table below provides general therapeutic guidelines.

Starting dose: 50-100 U/kg T.I.W.;IV:Dialysis Patients IV or SC:Non-dialysis CRF patients

Reduce dose When:Target range is reached,or Hct.increases>4 points in any 2-week period

Increase dose If:Hct.does not increase by 5-6 points after 8 weeks of therapy,and hct.is below target range.

Maintenance dose: Individually titrate

Target Hct.range: 30%-33%(max.36%)

In patients on dialysis,epogen usually has been administered as an IV bolus T.I.W.While the administration of epogen is independent of the dialysis procedure,epogen may beadministered into the venous line at the end of the dialysis procedure to obviate the need for additional venous access.In patients with CRF not on dialysis,epogen may be given either as an intravenous or subcutaneous injection.

During therapy,hematological parameters should be monitored regularly(see“Laboratory Monitoring”).

Pre-therapy iron evaluation:Prior to and during epogen therapy,the patient’s iron stores,including transferrin saturation(serum iron divided by iron binding capacity)and serum ferritin,should be evaluated.Transferrin saturation should be at least 20%,and ferritin should be at least 100 ng/mL.Supplemental iron may be required to increase and maintain transferrin saturaiton to levels that will adequately support epogen-stimulated erythropoiesis.

Dose adjustment

When the hematocrit reaches 30%-33%,the dosage should be decreased by approximately 25 U/kg T.I.W.,to avoid exceeding the target range.One the hematocrit is within the target range,the maintenance dose must be individualized for each patient(see“Maintenance Dose”).

At any time,if the hematocrit increases by more than 4 points in a 2-week period,the dose should be immediately decreased.After the dose reduction,the hematocrit should be monitored twice weekly for 2-6 weeks,and further dose adjustments should be made as outlined in“Maintenance Dose.”

As the hematocrit approaches,or if it exceeds 36%,epogen should be temporarily withheld until the hematocrit decreases to the target range of 30%-33%;the dose should be reduced by approximately 25 U/kg T.I.W.upon re-initiation of therapy.

If a hematocrit increase of 5-6 points is not achieved after an eight week period and iron stores are adequate(see“Delayed or Diminished Response”),the dose of epogen may be increased in increments of 25 U/kg T.I.W.Further increases of 25 U/kg T.I.W.may be made at 4-6 week intervals until the desired response is attained.

Maintenance dose:The maintenance dose must be individualized for each patient.As the hematocrit approaches,or if it exceeds,36%,epogen should be temporarily with-held until the hematocrit is 33%or less.Upon re-initiation of therapy,the dose should be reduced by approximately 25 U/kg T.I.W.,or doses omitted,and an appropriate time interval(i.e.,2-6 weeks)allowed for stabilization of response.

If the hematocrit remains below,or falls below,the target range,iron stores should be reevaluated.If the transferrin saturation is less than 20%,supplemental iron should be administered.If the transferrin saturation is greater than 20%,the dose of epogen may be increased by 25 U/kg T,I.W.Such dose increases should not be made more frequently than once a month,unless clinically indicated,as the response time of the hematocrit to a dose increase can be 2-6 weeks.Hematocrit should be measured twice weekly for 2-6 weeks following dose increases.

In the U.S.Phase Ⅲ multicenter trial in patients on hemodialysis,the median maintenance dose was 75 U/kg T.I.W.,with approximately 65%of the patients requiring doses of 100 U/kg T.I.W.,or less,to maintain their hematocrit within the range of 32%-38%(maintenance doses ranged from 12.5-525 U/kg T.I.W.).Almost 10%of the patients required a dose of 25 U/kg,or less,and approximately 10%of the patients required more than 200 U/kg T.I.W.to maintain their hematocrit in this range.

In patients with CRF not on dialysis,the maintenance dose must also be individualized.Epogen doses of 75-150 U/kg per week have been shown to maintain hematocrits of 36%-38%for up to six months.

Delayed or diminished response:Over 95%of patients with CRF responded with clinically significant increases in hematocrit,and virtually all patients were transfusion-independent within approximately 2 months of initiation of epogen therapy.

If a patient fails to respond or maintain a response,other etiologies should be considered and evaluated as clinically indicated.See“Precautions”section for discussion of delayed or diminished response.

Zidovudine-treated HIV-infected patients

Prior to beginning epogen,it is recommended that the endogenous serum erythropoietin level be determined(pror to transfusion).Available evidence suggests that patients receiving zidovudine with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels>500 U/l are unlikely to respond to therapy with epogen.

Starting dose:For patients with serum erythropoietin levels≤500 U/l who are receiving a dose of zidovudine≤4 200 mg/week,the recommended starting dose of epogen is 100 U/kg as an intravenous or subcutaneous injection three times weekly(T.I.W.)for 8 weeks.

Increase dose:During the dose adjustment phase of therapy,the hematocrit should bemonitored weekly.If the response is is not satisfactory in terms of reducing transfusions requirements or increasing hematocrit after 8 weeks of therapy,the dose of epogen can be increased by 50-100 U/kg T.I.W.Response should be evaluated every 4-8 weeks thereafter and the dose adjusted according by 50-100 U/kg increments T.I.W.If patients have not responded satisfactorily to an epogen dose of 300 U/kg T.I.W.,it is unlikely that they will respond to higher doses of epogen.

Maintenance dose:After attainment of the desired response(i.e.,reduced transfusion requirements or increased hematocrit),the dose of epogen should be titrated to maintain the response based on factors such as variations in zidovudine dose and the presence of intercurrent infectious or inflammatoy episodes.If the hematocrit exceeds 40%,the dose should be discontinued until the hematocrit drops to 36%.The dose should be reduced by 25%when treatment is resumed and then titrated to maintain the desired hematocrit.

Cancer patients on chemotherapy

Baseline endogenous serum erythropoietin levels varied among patients in these trials with approximately 75%(N=83/1 10)having endogenous serum erythropoietin levels<132 U/l,and approximately 4 percent(N=4/1 10)of patients having endogenous serum erythropoietin levels>500 U/l.In general,patients with lower baseline serum erythropoietin levels responded more vigorously to epogen than patients with higher erythropoietin levels.Although no specific serum erythropoietin level can be stipulated above which patients would be unlikely to respond to epogen therapy,treatment of patients with grossly elevated serum erythropoietin levels(e.g.,>200 U/l)is not recommended.The hematocrit should be monitored on a weekly basis in patients receiving epogen therapy until hematocrit becomes stable.

Starting dose:The recommended starting dose of epogen is 150 U/kg subcuta-neously T.I.W.

Dose adjustment:If the response is not satisfactory in terms of reducing transfusions requirements or increasing hematocrit after 8 weeks of therapy,the dose of epogen can be increased up to 300 U/kg T.I.W.If patients have not responded satisfactorily to and epogen dose of 300 U/kg T.I.W.,it is unlikely that they will respond to higher doses of epogen.If the hematocrit exceeds 40%,the dose of epogen should be withheld until the hematocrit falls to 36%.The dose of epogen should be reduced by 25%when treatment is resumed and titrated to maintain the desired hematocrit.If the initial dose of epogen includes a very rapid hematocrit response(e.g.,an increase of more than 4 percentage points in any 2-week period),the dose of epogen should be reduced.

Preparation and administration of epogen

1.Do not shake.Shaking may denature the glycoprotein,rendering it biologically inactive.

2.Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration.Do not use any vials exhibiting particulate matter or discoloration.

3.Using aseptic techniques,attch a sterileneedle to a Sterile syringe.Remove the flip top from the vial Contaning epogen,and wipe the septum with a disinfectant.Insert the needle into the vial,and withdraw into the syringe an appropriate volume of solution.

4.Use only one dose per vial;do not re-enter the vial.Discard unused portions.Contains no preservative.

5.Do not administer in conjunction with other drug solutions.

How supplied

Epogen is available in vials containing 2 000(NDC 55513-126-01),3 000(NDC 55513-267-01),4 000(NDC 55513-148-01),or 10 000(NDC 55513-144-01),units of Epoetin alfa in 1.0 ml of a sterile,preservative-free solution.Each dosage form is supplied in boxes containing 10 single-use vials.


Store at 2-8℃.Do not freeze or shake.


Amgen Inc.

Amgen Center

Thousand Oaks,California 91320-1789,U.S.A.







































2.维持期 要达到维持血细胞比容在30%~35%之间,首先把剂量减至治疗期剂量的二半,然后每周或每2周调整剂量。






























德国Boehringer mannheim GmbH


Active ingredient

Epoetin beta.(Synonyms:rhEPO and recombinant humanerythropoietin).


Freeze-dried substance for subcutaneous or intravenous administration after dissolution.


Recormon 1 000:1 vial contains 1 000 international units epoetin beta as a freeze-dried substance,corresponding to 8.3 μg epoetin beta.

1 solvent ampoule contains 1 ml water for injections.

Recormon 2 000:1 vial contains 2 000 international units epoetin beta as a freeze-dried substance,corresponding to 16.6μg epoetin beta.

1 solvent ampoule contains 1 ml water for injections.

Recormon 5 000:1 vial contains 5 000 international units epoetin beta as a freeze-dried substance,corresponding to 41.5μg epoetin beta.

1 solvent ampoule contains 1 ml water for iniections.

Recormon 10 000:1 vial contains 10 000 international units epoetin beta as a freezedried substance,corresponding to 83 μg epoetin beta.

1 solvent ampoule contains 1 ml water for injections.


Recormon is used for the treatment of anaemia associated with chronic renal failure in patients on dialysis.Recormon is used for the treatment of symptomatic renal anaemia in patients with chronic renal insufficiency not yet undergoing dialysis.


Recormon must not be used in poorly controllable hypertension and known hypersensitivity to the medication.

Use in pregnancy and lactation period

Animal studies revealed that no teratogenic effects occur under therapeutic conditions.However,Recormon should not be used during pregnancy and lactation as at present insufficient clinical experience has been gained in these fields.

Adverse drug reactions

Cardiovascular system:the most frequent adverse reaction during treatment with Recormon is an increase in blood pressure or aggravation of existing hypertension,especially in cases of rapid PCV increase.These increases in blood pressure can be treated with drugs.If blood pressure rises cannot be controlled by drug therapy,a transient interruption of Recormon therapy is recommended.Regular monitoring of blood pressure is recommended,also between dialyses(particularly at the beginning of therapy).Hypertensive crisis with encephalopathy-like symptoms(e.g.headache,confusion,sensorimotor disorderssuch as speech disturbance,impaired gait-up to tonoclonic seizures)may occur,also in individual patients with normal or low blood pressure.This requires the immediate attention of a physician and intensive medical care.Particular attention should be paid to sudden stabbing migraine-like headaches as a possible warning signal.

Blood:There may be a moderate dose-dependent rise in the platelet count within the normal range during treatment with Recormon,especially after intravenous administration.This regresses during the course of continued therapy.Development of thrombocytosis is very rare.It is recommended that the platelet count is regularly monitored during the first 8 weeks of therapy.An increase in heparin dose during haemodialysis is frequently required during the course of therapy with Recormon as a result of the increased packed cell volume.Occlusion of the dialysis system is possible if heparinization is not optimum.Shunt thromboses may occur,especially in patients who have a tendency to hypotension or whose arteriovenous fistulae exhibit complications(e.g.stenoses,aneurysms).Early shunt revision and thrombosis prophylaxis,e.g.with acetylsalicylic acid,is therefore recommended in these patients.

In most cases,a fall in serum ferritin values simultaneous with a rise in packed cell volume is observed.Therefore oral iron substitution with 200 to 300 mg Fe2+/day is recommended in all patients with serum ferritin values below 100 ng/ml or transferrin saturation below 20%.In isolated cases,transient hyperkalaemia and hyperphosphataemia may occur.These parameters should be monitored regularly.

Others:Anaphylactoid reactions have been observed in isolated cases.


Misuse by healthy persons(e.g.for doping)may lead to an excessive increase in packed cell volume.This may be associated with life-threatening complications of the cardiovascular system.

Special precautions for use

Recormon should not be used in children below the age of 2 years as at present insufficient clinical experience has been gained.Recormon should be used with caution in the presence of malignant tumours,epilepsy,thrombocytosis and chronic liver failure.Folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiencies should be ruled out as they reduce the effectiveness of Recormon.Severe aluminium overload may compromise the effectiveness of Recormon.The indication for Recormon treatment of nephrosclerotic patients not yet undergoing dialysis should be defined individually as a possible acceleration of progression of renal failure cannot be ruled out with certainty.Serum potassium and phosphate levels should be monitored regularly during Recormon therapy.Potassium elevation has been reported in a few uraemic patients receiving Recormon,though causality has not been established.If an elevated or rising potassium level is observed,then consideration should be given to ceasing Recormon administration until the level has been corrcted.


The clinical results obtained so far do not indicate any interaction of Recormon with other substances.

Dosage(single and weekly dose)

The aim of treatment is to increase the packed cell volume to 30%-35%whereby the weekly increase should be at least 0.5%.A value of 35%should not be exceeded.

In the presence of hypertension or existing cardiovascular,cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular diseases,the weekly increase in PCV and the target PCV should be determined individually taking into account the clinical picture.In some patients the optimum PCV may be below 30%.Treatment with Recormon is divided into two stages:

Correction phase:

·Subcutaneous administration

The initial dosage is 3×20 U/kg body weight and week.The dosage may be increased every 4 weeks by 3× 20 U/kg body weight and week if the increase of packed cell volume is not adequate(less than 0.5%per week).The weekly dose can also be divided into daily doses.

·Intravenous administration

The inital dosage is 3 × 40 U/kg body weight and week.The dosage may be raised after 4 weeks to 3×80 U/kg body weight and week if the increase of packed cell volume is not adequate(less than 0.5%per week).Further increments of 3 × 20 U/kg body weight and week are possible at monthly intervals.

For both routes of administration,the maximum dosage should not exceed 720 U/kg body weight and week.

·Maintenance phase:

To maintain a packed cell volume of between 30%-35%,the dosage is initially reduced to half of the previously administered amount.Subsequently,the dose is adujsted at intervals of one or two weeks individually for the patient(maintenance dose).

Results of clinical studies in children have shown that,on average,the younger the pa tients,the higher the Recormon doses.Nevertheless,the recommended dosing schedule should be followed as the individual response cannot be predicted.

Duration of treatment

Treatment with Recormon is usually a life-long therapy.It can,however,be interrupted,if necessary at any time.

Method of administration

This product should only be used under consultant supervision,usually in a hospital setting.Since anaphylactoid reactionswere observed in isolated cases,it is recommended that the first dose be administered under medical supervision.

Recormon is supplied as a freeze-dried substance in vials.This is dissolved with the contents of the accompanying solvent ampoule.The reconstituted solution should be used immediately,i.e.within 2 hours.Only solutions which are clear or slightly opalescent,colourless and practically free of visible particles may be injected.Any medication remaining in the vial after use should be discarded.

The reconstituted solution can be administered subcutaneously or intravenously.

In case of intravenous administration,the solution should be injected over approx.2 minutes,e.g.in haemodialysis patients via the arterio-venous fistula at the end of dialysis.For non-haemodialyzed patients,subcutaneous administration should always be preferred in order to avoid puncture of peripheral veins.

Most important incompatibilities

To avoid incompatibility or loss of activity,the following instructions must be observed:

·Do not use any other solvent

·Do not mix with other drugs

·Do not use glass,but only plastic materials for injection

Instructions for storage

Recormon must be stored at a temperature of 2-8℃(refrigerator).For the purpose of transport,the cooling chain may be interrupted for a period of up to 5 days at room temperature(≤25℃).

Expiry date

Recormon should not be used after the expiry date printed on the pack.

Presentations and pack sizes

Recormon 1000,Recormon 2000:

10 vials with freeze-dried substance and 10 ampoules with solvent.

Recormon 5 000,Recormon 10 000:

5 vials with freeze-dried substance and 5 ampoules with solvent.

Keep all medicines out of the reach of children!

Note on usage of OPC(One-Point-Cut)ampoules:

Filing no longer necessary!How to use the new OPC ampoules.

Hold the ampoule with the blue point upwards.Shake or tap the ampoule to get any fluid in the stem into the body of the ampoule.

Hold the ampoule with the blue point upwards.Take hold of the stem and snap off away from you.


Boehring Mannheim GmbH Germany
