出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第224页(21970字)
1.一般性事项 直立性低血压的最严重症状是晕厥(见警告),而其他低血压的症状,例如头昏、头晕和心悸也较常见。对那些有潜在体位性问题职业的病人治疗时应特别注意。
2.药物相互作用 给高血压病人作临床对比试验证明,本品与利尿剂以及数种β肾上腺受体阻滞剂并无不良的相互作用。
3.致癌,致突变,对生育的影响 体外体内检查评价(包括Ames试验,体内细胞遗传试验,小鼠显性致死试验,中国仓鼠染色体畸变试验和V79正向突变测定)均无发现潜在致突变作用。
4.妊娠 对妊娠妇女尚无足够及良好对照研究,高特灵对妊娠的安全性也未确定。妊娠期不推荐使用高特灵,除非估计对母子的益处大于害处。
5.乳母 四喃唑嗪是否进母乳排出不清楚,由于很多药物自乳中排出,如给乳母用药应特别小心。
6.儿科 本品对儿科病的药效和安全性尚未确定。
表15 高特灵和安慰剂副反应的比较
1.开始剂量 所有病人初始每晚临睡前服1mg。不应超过这个剂量。这种给药方法可以使潜在的严重低血压减到最低限度。
(terazosin hydrochloride)
Hytrin(terazosin hydrochloride),an alpha-1-selective adrenoceptor blocking agent,is a quinazoline derivative represented by the following chemical name and structural formula::1-(4-amino-6,7-dimethoxy-2-quinazolinyl)-4-[(tetrahydro-2-furanyl)acrbonyl],piperazine,monohydrochloride,dihydrate.
The impirical formula is C19H25N5O4HCL.2H2O.
Terazosin hydrochloride is a white crystaline substance,freely soluble in water and isotonic saline and has a molecular weight of 459.93.Hytrin tablets(terazosin hydrochloride tablets)for oral ingestion are supplied in three dosage strengths containing terazosin hydrochloride equivalent to 1 mg,2mg or 5mg.
Clinical pharmacology
In animals,terazosin causes a decrease in blood pressure by decreasing total peripheral vascular resistance.The vasodilatory hypotensive action of terazosin appears to be produced mainly by blockade of alpha 1-adrenoceptors.Terazosin decreases blood pressure gradually within 15 minutes following oral administration.
In man,systolic and diastolic blood pressures are lowered in both the supine and standing positions.The effect is most pronounced on the diastolic blood pressure.These changes are usually not accompanied by reflex tachycadia.A greater blood pressure effect associated with peak plasma concentrations(first few hours after dosing)appears somewhat more position dependent(greater in the erect position)than the effect of terazosin at 24 hours,and in the erect position there is also a 6-10 beat per minute increase in heart rate in the first few hours after dosing.
Studies suggest that alpha-1-adrenoceptor blockade is also useful in improving the urodynamics in patients with chronic bladder outlet obstruction,such as in benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH).
The symptoms of BPH are caused mainly by the presence of an enlarged prostate and by the increased smooth muscle tone of the bladder outlet and the prostate,which is regulated by alpha-1-adrenergic receptors.
In in vitro experiments,terazosin has been shown to antagonize phenylephrine-induced contractions in human prostatic tissue.In preliminary clincal trials terazosin has been shown to improve the urodynamics and symptomatology in patients with BPH.
There is a tendency for patients to gain weight during terazosin therapy.In placebocontrolled monotherapy trials,male and female patients receiving teazosin gained a mean of 1.7 and 2.2 pounds respectively,compared to losses of 0.2 and 1.2 pounds respectively,in the placebo group.Both differences were statistically significant.
During controlled clinical studies,patients receiving terazosin had an improved lipid profile.Patients receiving terazosin monotherapy had a small but statistically significant decrease compared to placebo in total cholesterol and the combined low-density and very-low-density lipoprotein fractions.These patients had significant increases from baseline in high density lipoproteins,the HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio,and significant decreases from baseline in triglycerides.However,these changes were not significant when compared to placebo.
Long-term(6 months or loner)administration of hytrin has produced no pattern of clinically significant changes attributable to the drug in the following clinical laboratory measurements:glucose,uric acid,creatinine,BUN,liver function tests,and electrolytes.Analysis of clinical laboratory data following administration of terazosin suggested the possibility of hemodilution based on decreases in hematocrit,hemoglobin,white blood cells,total protein,and albumin.Decreases in hematocrit and total protein have been observed with alpha-blockade and are attributed to hemodilution.
Relative to solution,terazosin hydrochloride administered as hytrin tablets is essentially completely absorbed in man.Food had little or no effect on the bioavailability of terazosin administered in a capsule formulation.Terazosin has been shown to undergo minimal hepatic first-pass metabolism and nearly all of the circulating dose is in the form of parent drug.The plasma levels peak about one hour after dosing,and then decline with a half-life of approximately 12 hours.The drug is highly bound to plasma proteins and binding is constant over the clinically observed concentration range.Approximately 10% of orally administered dose is excreted as parent drug in the urine and approximately 20% is excreted in the feces.The remainder is eliminated as meta bolites.overall,approximately 40%of the administered dose is excreted in the urine and approximately 60% in the feces.The disposition of the compound in animals is qualitatively similar to that in man.
The pharmacokinetics of terazosin appear to be independent of renal function.This would obviate the need to adjust dosing regimens for patients with impaired renal function.
Hytrin(terazosin hydrochloride)used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents is indicated for the treatment of hypertension.
Hytrin used alone is also indicated for the symptomatic and pathophysiologic treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH)when:
·prostatectomy is not indicated
·patient is not fit for surgery
·slective surgery must be postponed(e.g.,waiting list)
·patient refuses surgical treatment(see also Drug Interactions Section)
Clinical studies and available literature do not suggest any contraindication to the use of hytrin.
Syncope and“First dose”effect:
Terazosin,like other alpha-adrenergic blocking agents,can cause marked hypotension,especially postural hypotension,and syncope in association with the first dose or first few doses of therapy.A similar effect can be anticipated if therapy is interrupted for more than a few doses.Syncope has also been reported with other alpha-adrenergic-blocking agents in association with rapid dosage increases or the introduction of another antihypertensive drug.Syncope is believed to be due to an excessive postural hypotensive effect,although occasionally the syncopal episode has been preceded by a bout of severe supraventricular tachycardia with heart rates of 120-160 beats per minute.
To decrease the likelihood of syncope or excessive hypotension,treatment should always be initiated with a 1 mg dose of terazosin,given at bedtime.The 2 mg and 5mg tablets are not indicated as initial therapy.Dosage should then be increased slowly,according to recommendations in the Dosage and Administration section and additional antihypertensive agents should be added with caution.The patient should be cautioned to avoid situations where injury could result should syncope occur during initiation of therapy.
In multiple dose clinical trals involoving 2000 patients syncope was reported in about 1%of patients,in no case severe or prolonged,and was not necessarily associated with early doses.
If syncope occurs,the patient should be placed in a recumbent position and treated supportively as necessary.There is evidence that the orthostatic effect of terazosin is greater,even in chronic use,shortly after dosing.
1.Orthostatic Hypotension
While syncope is the most severe orthostatic effect of terazosin(see Warnings),other symptoms of lowered blood pressure,such as dizziness,lightheadedness and palpitations,are more common.Patients with occupations in which such events represent potential problems should be treated with particular caution.
2.Information for Patients
Patients should be made aware of the possibility of syncopal and orthostatic symptoms,especially at the initation of therapy and to avoid driving or hazardous tasks for 12 hours after the first dose,after a dosage increase and after interruption of therapy when treatment is resumed.They should be cautioned to avoid situations when injury could result should syncope occur during initiation of terazosin therapy.They should also be advised of the need to sit or lie down when symptoms of lowered blood pressure occur,although these symptoms are not always orthostatic,and to be careful when rising from a sitting or lying position.If dizziness,lightheadedness,or palpitations are bothersome they should be reported to the physician,so that dose adjustment can be considered.
Patients should also be told that drowsiness or somnolence can occur with terazosin,requiring caution in people who must drive or operate heavy machinery.
3.Drug Interactions
During controlled trials in hypertension,terazosin has been added to diuretics,and several beta-adrenergic blockers,no unexpected interactions were observed.Terazosin has also been used in patients on a variety of concomitant therapies;while these were not formal interaction studies,no interactions were observed.Terazosin has been used concormitantly in at least 50 patients on the following drugs or drug classes:1)analgestic/anti-inflammatory(e.g.acetaminophen,aspirin,codeine,ibuprofen,indomethacin);2)antibiotics(e.g.erythromycin,trimethoprin and sulfamethoxazole);3)anticholinergic/sympathomimetics(e.g.phenylephrine hydrochloride,phenylpropanolaminel hydrochloride,phenylpropano hydrochloride);4)antigout(e.g.allopurinol);5)antihistamines(e.g.chlorpheniramine);6)cardiovascular agents(e.g.atenolol,hydrochlorothiazide,methyclothiaside,propranolol);7)corticosteroids;8)gastrointestinal agents(e.g.antacids);9)hypoglycemics;10)sedatives and tranquilizers(e.g.diazepam).
No experience has been reported on the concomitant use of hytrin with other drugs for the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy and therefore,drug interactions have not been identified.
4.Carcinogenesis,Mutagenesis,Impairment of Fertility
Hytrin was devoid of mutgenic potential when evaluated in vivo and in vitro(the Ames test,in vivo cytogenetics,the dominant lethal test in mice,in vivo Chinese hamster chromosome aberration test and V79 forward mutation assay).
The absence of mutagenicity in a battery of tests,of tumorigenicity of any cell type in the mouse carcinogenicity assay,of increased total tumor incidence in either species.
There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women and the safety of terazosin in pregnancy has not been established.Hytrin is not recommended during pregnancy unless the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the mother and fetus.
6.Nursing Mothers
It is not know whether terazosin is excreted in breast milk.Because many drugs are excreted in breast milk,caution should be exercised when terazosin is adminis tered to a nursing woman.
7.Pediatric use
Safety and effectiveness in children have not been determined.
Adverse reactions
Hypertension:The prevalence rates presented below are based on adverse experiences(events)combined from fourteen placebo-controlled stuedies involving once-a-day administration of terazosin as monotherapy or in cobination with other antihypertensive agents,at doses ranging from 1 to 40 mg.Table 1 summarizes those adverse experiences reported for hypertension patients in these studies where the prevalence rate for the terazosin group was at least 5%,where the prevalence rate for the terazosin group was at least 2% and was greater than the prevalence rate for the placebo group,or where the reaction is of particular interest.
Asthenia,blurred vision,dizziness,nasal congestion,nusea,peripheral edema,palpitations and somnolence were the only symptoms that were significantly(P less than 0.05)more common in patients receiving terazosin than in patients receiving placebo.Similar adverse reaction rates were observed in placebo controlled monotherapy trials.
Table 15 Adverse reactions during placebo-controlled studles in hypertension
↑Includes weakness,tiredness,lassitude,and fatigue.
·Statistically significant at P=0.05 level.
The adverse reactions were usually mild or moderate in intensity but sometimes were serious enough to interrupt treatment.
Should overdosage of hytrin lead to hypotension,support of the cardiovascular system is of first importance.Restoration of blood pressure and normalization of heart rate may be accomplished by keeping the patient in the supine position.If this measure is inadequate,shock should first be treated with volume expanders.If necessary,vasopressors should then be used and renal function should be monitored and supported as needed.Laboratory data indicate that hytrin is highly protein bound;therefore,dialysis may not be benefit.
Dosage and administration
The dose of hytrin should be adjusted according to the patient’s individual blood pressure response.The following is a guide to its administration:
Initial dose:
The recommended staring dose for all patients is 1 mg at bedtime.This dose should not be exceeded.This initial dosing regimen should be strictly observed to minimize the potential for severe hypotensive effects.
Subsequent doses
The dose may be slowly increased to achieve the desired blood pressure response.The usual recommended dose range is 1mg to 5mg administered once a day;however,some patients may benefit from doses as high as 20 mg per day.Doses over 20 mg do not appear to provide further blood pressure effect and doses over 40 mg have not been studied.Blood pressure should be monitored at the end of the dosing interval to be sure control is maintained throughout the interval.It may also be helpful to measure blood pressure 2-3 hours after dosing to see if the maximum and minimum responses are similar,and to evaluate symptoms such as dizziness or palpitations which can result from excessive hypotensive response.If response is substantially diminished at 24 hours an increased dose or use of a twice daily regimen can be considered.If terazosin administration is discontinued for several days or longer,therapy should be reinstituted using the initial dosing regimen.In clinical trials,except for the inital dose,the dose was given in the morning.
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
The dose may be slowly increased to achieve the desired clinical response in BPH patients.The usual recommended dose range is 5-10 mg administered once a day.Urine flow rate measured approximately 24 hours after the last dose has shown that the benefical effect in BPH persists for the recommended dosing interval.If terazosin administration is discontinued for several days or longer,therapy should be reinstituted using the initial dosing regimen,
Use with other drugs
Caution should be observed when terazosin is administered concomitantly with other antihypertensive agents(e.g.calcium antagonists)to avoid the possibility of significant hypotension.When adding a diuretic or other antihypertensive agent,dosage reduction and retitration may be necessary.
How supplied
Hytrin tablets(terazosin hydrochloride tablets)are available in three dosage strengths:
1 mg white 140 tablets/box,
28 tablets/box,
2 mg orange 140 tablets/box,
28 tablets/box,
5 mg tan 140 tablets/box,
28 tablets/box,
Abbott Laboratories Ltd.U.S.A.