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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 03:51:36

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第10页(1368字)


n.①帐,帐目:an account book帐簿.account current(or current account)往来帐目,流水帐(【略】a/c).cast accounts算帐.keep accounts记帐.settle account 结帐.settle accounts with sb.与某人清算.②帐户,户头:open an account with the bank在银行开户头.have an account with the bank在银行里有户头.③价值,重要性,考虑:a thing of no account 没有价值的东西.account of重视.make no account of不重视.take account of(=take sth. into account)考虑:take account of class origin alone唯成份论.We must take the interests of the whole into account.我们应该顾全大局.take no account of(=leave sth.out of account)不考虑.④好处,用处,利用,利益:turn sth.to(good) account 利用:A bad thing can be turned to good account.坏事能变好事.on one’s own account 为自己的利益.⑤叙述,描述,报导,说明:newspaper accounts新闻报导.an account of the National Day parade国庆游行的报导.give an account of the mass rally描述群众大会的情况.by his account 据他说.⑥理由,缘故:on this(that) account 由于这个(那个)缘故.on(or for)sb.’s account 为了某人的缘故.He didn’t come on account of illness.他因病没来.on no account(=not on any account)决不:We must on no account forget class struggle.我们决不可忘记阶级斗争.on all accounts(=on every account)无论如何,总之.call sb.to account 责备,谴责:He ought to be called to account.他应当受到谴责.⑦计算:cost account 成本计算.

-vt.认为:We account him a good comrade.我们认为他是个好同志.We account him faithful to the Party.我们认为他是忠于党的.

-vi.说明(原因),解释,回答(for):His love for the people accounts for his bravery.他热爱人民所以他那样勇敢.

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