
出处:按学科分类—农业科学 中国农业出版社《农作物品种鉴定手册》第19页(3038字)











〔9〕A.L.Larsen(1966),A distinction between Proteins of annual and perenial ryegrass seeds,Proceedings of AO S A,56:47—61.

〔10〕S.Wools,et,al(1976),The use of Seed acid Phosphasea in the determination of the pnrity of Fhybrid brussele spront Seed,Enphytica,25:707—712.

〔11〕A.K.Kelly(1975),Report of the Variety Committee 1971—1974,Seed Sci,& Technol,Vol.3.

〔12〕G.Andersson(1975),Variety purity examination and Some related problems,Seed Sci,& Technol,Vel,3:156—160.

〔13〕J.Pauksens(1975),Methods for determinatiOU of Cnltivar trueness and Purity in Maize(Zea mays,L.),Seed Sci,& Technol,Vel,3:176—181.

〔14〕J.N.R.Jeffers(1975),Statistical tests for Varietal purity,Seed Sei,& Techno!,VOl,3:184—185.

〔15〕K.J.Olsen(1975),CuItivar identification and purity determination,Seed Sci,& Teehnol.3:15—61.

〔16〕K.Niemyki,et,al(1975),Phenol reaction of Poa Pratensis Seeds,Seed Sci.& Technol,3:619—623.

〔17〕P.Elekes(1975),Differentiation of Cultivars and Cultivar group of Poa pratensis by the luorecence of their alkaline extracts,Seed Sci,& Technol,3:643—645.

〔18〕A.F.Kefly(1972),Report of the ISTA Variety Committee,Proceeding of the ISTA,37:441—442.

〔19〕K.Nlemyke,et al(1975),Identification Kentucky bluegrass(Poa Pratensis),Seed Sci & Technol,3:625—641.

〔20〕H.Fierig(1975)Ein Beitrag Zur identifikation Von Brassica—Samen,Seed Sci & Technol,3:473—479.

〔21〕R.H.Porter(1944),Testing the Quality of Seed for Farm and Garden.

〔22〕K.Rosta(1975),Variety determination in rice(Oryza Satira L.),Seed Sci & Technol,3:161—169.

〔23〕O.Livneh,et al(1990),RFLP analysis of a hybrid Cultivar of peper(Capsicum annum)and its use in distinguishing between Parental Lines and in hybrid identification,Seed Sci & Technol,18:209—214.

〔24〕T.Demeke,et al(1992),Petential taxonomic use of randam amplifies Polymorphic DNA(RAPD):a(ase study in Brassica,TAG,84I 990一994.

〔25〕J.Welsh,et al(1991),Parentage determination in maize hybrids using the arbitrary Primed Polymerase Chain reaction(AP—PCR),TAG,82:473—476.
