出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 军事医学科学出版社《临床常用进口药物手册》第378页(6334字)
巴活朗供静脉注射,它含有泮库溴铵(pancuronium bromide),一种氨基类的脂醇,与箭毒剂一样,能有效地将运动神经兴奋阻断,不能传至横纹肌的感受器,因而肌终板没有发生去极化,巴活朗并无内泌素的作用。
Pavulon is intended for intravenous administration.The active substance is pancuronium bromide,an aminosteroid which,similar to curarizing agents,effectively blocks transmission of motor nerve impulses to the striated muscle receptors.Endplate depolarization does not ocCur.
Pancuronium bromide has no hormonal action.
Pavulon possesses a number of important properties which compare favourably with those of other similarly acting preparations:
·It does not induce the liberation of histamine,thus causing no bronchoconstriction.
·There is no ganglion blocking action so that hypotension does not occur.
·Pavulon has no specific influence on the pulse rate or blood-pressure.Consequently,tachycardia and hypotension which may be observed with other preparations of similar action do not occur.
·Pavulon’s action is rapidly and completely antagonized by administration of neostigmine/atropine.
·Pavulon has a more rapid onset of action than other non-depolarizing blocking compounds.
·Pavulon is suitable for administration to“poor risk”patients.
The use of Pavulon is indicated as an aid to anaesthesia,to act as a muscle relaxantin certain surgical operations such as abdominal,anal,open chest and ophtalmic surgery.It is also very suitable as a relaxant in orthopaedic manipulations such as the correction and setting of luxations and fractures.
Maximal effect is obtained 2 to 2.5 minutes after administration.Intubation,if necessary,can be carried out 1.5 minutes after the administration of the normal dose.The effects last for about 45 minutes depending on the initial dose level and on anaesthetic technique.
The administration of a higher dose or an additional dose presents no special problems.
Mode of administration and dosage
Pavulon is prepared for intravenous administration.The active dose lies in a range of 0.02-0.08 mg per kg body weight.Adults usually receive from 4-6 mg.Up to 2 mg can be given as an additional dose during surgery.The initial dose(4-6 mg)corresponds to approximately 20-30 mg of tubocurarine.
Anaesthetists accustomed to administering larger doses can exceed the recommended doses.
It is not advisable to mix Pavulon with other solutions in the same syringe as any change in the pH might bring about precipitation.
The use of Pavulon is contra-indicated for patients with myastenia gravis.
As Pavulon is excreted in a partly unchanged state it is advisable to take the necessary care when administering it to patients with disturbed kidney function.
As with other non-depolarizing preparations,the administration of ether,halothane or cyclopropane increases the activity of Pavulon;the respiratory muscles are also affected by Pavulon;for this reason all patients should be connected up to a respirator.The patient’s own respiration can be restored by the intravenous administration of 2.5 mg neostigmine methylsulphate together with 1.2 mg atropine sulphate.It is very important to ensure that the patient is breathing spontaneously,deeply and regularly before he leaves the operating theatre.When using suxamethonium for intubation,for instance,it should be ascertained that the effect of this muscle relaxant has worn off before administering Pavulon.Since it is difficult to determine what the implications of the use of such preparations during pregnancy might be,it is advisable to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the administration of such preparations one against the other when considering their administration during pregnancy.
As long as the results or the trials aimed at excluding a possible effect on the muscle tonus of the newly born child are not yet known,the use of this preparation of childbirth is not recommended.
Storage and stability
In general Pavulon should be stored in a refrigerator and can then be kept until the expiry date printed on the pack.Without refrigeration Pavulon remains stable for 6 weeks.
Ampoules with 2 ml containing 2 mg per ml.
In correspondance please quote packing number.
N.V.Organon Oss Holland